We would like to thank everyone who turned up for the Twitter party yesterday and tweeted #SaveBombGirls to @netflix. It’s been absolutely amazing to see such a wonderful fan response, considering it’s been almost a year since we heard the staggering news of the cancellation.
It’s hard to tell how many tweets exactly ended up flooding the Netflix Twitter account, but all the analytics we ran pointed to around 1,200 #SaveBombGirls tweets and retweets that were posted yesterday, including over 1,000 that were directed at @netflix. Your support has been incredible! Now let’s hope that Netflix received the message.
So, what’s next? The Bomb Girls movie, of course. Let’s be reminded that it might not even have happened, hadn’t it been for the tremendous fan support last year. And of course that’s not the end of it. Save Bomb Girls has more in store for you, including a special giveaway of merchandise and other prizes. Stay tuned!